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2022- 2023


The annual statement will be generated each year in January.

It will summarise:

  • Any infection transmission incidents and action taken (these will be reported in accordance with our Significant Event procedure).
  • The annual infection control audit summary and actions undertaken.
  • Control risk assessments undertaken.
  • Details of staff training (both as part of induction and annual training) with regards to infection prevention & control.
  • Details of infection control advise to patients.
  • Any review and update of policies, procedures and guidelines.


Great Hollands Practice Lead for Infection Prevention/Control is Dr Kanchan Arora who is supported by David Jones (Practice Manager).

This team keep updated with infection prevention & control practices and share necessary information with staff and patients throughout the year.

Significant events:

In the past year January- December 2021 there has been 0 significant events documented regarding infection prevention & control. Previous years reports are available from Practice Manager.


An internal Infection Control Audit is undertaken by the Practice Manager Annually and more recently in May 2022. No significant issues were identified. 

An external Audit was undertaken in early January 2017 by the local CCG Infection Control Nurse and findings/action taken are available from Practice Manager.

Full copies of the reports are available from the Practice Manager.

Risk Assessments:

Regular risk assessments are undertaken to minimise the risk of infection and to ensure the safety of patients and staff. The following risk assessments related to infection prevention & control have been completed in the past year and appropriate actions have been taken:

Legionella risk Assessments are regularly undertaken by the Health Centre Management team.

Cleaning Audits are regularly undertaken by the Health Centre Management team

Cleaning spot checks by the Practice are undertaken regularly and appropriate action taken by reporting problems to the Health Centre Management. Health Centre Management have taken action in response to our reports.

Copies of these risk assessments are available from the Practice Manager or Health Centre Management.

CV19 Pandemic:

A number of extra risk assessments and checks have been undertaken in preparation for, and during the Pandemic. These include Workplace Audit in conjunction with CCG and Premises checks focussed on infection control. We have also held a meeting with local CCG Infection Control Lead and CCG managers have inspected the premises to ensure safety of patients and staff working in the premises. Action and monitoring is ongoing to keep patients safe. 

Staff training:

Staff have undertaken appropriate training and updates.

Infection Control Advice to Patients:

Patients are encouraged to use the alcohol hand gel/sanitiser dispensers that are available throughout the Health Centre.

There are various leaflets available in the Health Centre on infection control issues such as the importance of immunisation. 

Policies, procedures and guidelines.

Documents related to infection prevention & control are reviewed in line with national and local guidance changes and are updated annually (or sooner in the event of new guidance).